Thank the Lord, this is almost over! Brent has been given a fly out date of July 10th but there is a rumor going around that they may send him on the 4th and then it will probably take a week to get home. I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am. I have packed our days full in effort to make the days go by faster. I think it's kind of working but it's also making me exhausted. The other night as I was tucking Sage into bed she asked "What's tomorrow?" As in, "what unnecessary outing do you have planned for us tomorrow that you feel you must strap us into the car yet again, drive us for who knows how long, only to endure another afternoon of hearing you ask us 'Isn't this FUN?'" Don't tell them but this weekend is the LaVista Days in which we will be embracing in full carnival spirit and next weekend is Papillion Days which I hear is even better than the LaVista Days AND there is a kiddie parade in the morning! YEAH!!!
In the meantime, I am nesting. Seriously, it's worse than when I was pregnant with either of the girls and going through that phase. I'll put it to you this way: The other day I decided that I needed to scrub and vacuum the inside of the car out (it really did need it) so that we could have a nice, squeaky clean car to bring Brent home in. Then I realized that we were bringing dirt into my nice, squeaky clean car from the dirty, grungy garage floor. So what do I do? I spend half of my day away from the girls while they play at Tina's, cleaning out the garage. We're talking haul everything out, wipe it down, clean the floor and reorganize the entire garage. People, I swept the wheels of the lawn mower for goodness' sake! My whole rationalization behind this madness is that I want all these little jobs done before Brent gets home so that we don't have to even think of doing them and are able to sit together as a family for hours upon hours, basking in each others presence.
Next up, clean out the kitchen cabinets then wash all the windows inside and out and then I should have just enough time to tile the kitchen floor.