Thursday, September 18, 2008

Nobody Loves You Like Your Grandparents

My Mom's side of the family, the Johnson's, are perpetual teasers. I must say that when in their company, I fall right into the ranks with them. I'm not sure but this may have come from my Grandpa. He and my Grandma would babysit me when I was little and even at a young age I understood the game that was being played between him and me and teased him right back. At least, that's what I've been told. Sadly, he died when I was five and my memories of him are only a few. I know that he must have been special to me because after he died I found a big rock in the ground under the canopy of a pine tree and designated it as his tombstone. For years I would crawl under that tree and sit by that rock, just wanting to feel close to him. I'm sure I could find that rock to this very day.

Our girls are so blessed to have five grandparents who love them so completely and unconditionally and it brings such joy to Brent and I each time we watch them love on our kids. This last weekend when Bruce and Jane were here and their visit was a welcomed respite to our sometimes unbelievably long days. It was absolutely hilarious to watch Sage make an egg bake with Grandma Jane, amusing Jane with her exclamations of "I just so happy to eat!" And I love it that Bruce took Sage to the zoo the next day and spent what I'm sure was an obscene amount of time at the bird exhibit just so that she could experience the birds landing on her. We met up with them later at the hotel where he and Sage hopped back and forth from the hot tub into the pool until I had to practically pull the two of them out of the water just so I could get the girls home to bed. Even Clare, who is pretty much a Mommy's girl right now, was even getting a kick out of her grandparents.

Their visit really got me thinking about all the wonderful things I missed out on when I lost my Grandpa at such a young age. Not to get too morbid but this has led me to a plea I have for you, Bruce, Jane, Mark and Audrey (and Bev, but I'll have to verbally ask her because she doesn't have internet); please, I beg you, take care of yourselves and do whatever you have to do to be around for these girls and all the rest of your grandchildren for as long as possible. I want them to know for themselves the very special relationship they have with each of their grandparents and not just what others have told them. Thank you for loving them the way you do, I don't think I could ever tell you how much it means to us but then again, you are parents yourself and probably already understand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! Got your message and I can come over tomorrow, if that works. Would you mind if it was early though? Like, could I just come over when I get off work, probably around 5 and hang out til like 730? Is that enough time?