Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Back from the Golden State

I did it. Chalk one up in the victory box for me. I survived a trip to California, traveling with with the girls by myself. An understatement would be to say that it was a challenging trip but for sure it was so worth it. My friend Amy is living in the same difficult world right now as her husband Mike, who is also a family physician, is deployed to Afghanistan. She has twin three year old girls, Katie and Jessica, and graciously opened up her home to us to come visit and to give her and I a chance to catch up and offer support to each other. It's hard to truly be honest with people when they ask how your doing because this situation so completely and thoroughly rocks your life that your left feeling like very few truly can offer the support you need. So it was in many ways healing to be able to talk to someone who gets it and understands why exactly this is so hard. I asked a lot of Sage and Clare, especially Sage, to fly to CA, adjust to a two hour time change, go do activities while they were tired from lack of sleep and to do this all the while getting to know two friendly three year old girls and their Mom. While I'm writing this it's starting to make sense why there were so many meltdowns from Sage! When she's like that though, it does add to my stress but I don't regret any part of this trip at all because I really feel that she needs to be stretched sometimes to learn how to adapt outside of our little world here.

Overall, I'm so glad I went. Amy is an amazing host and is one of those people with the gift of totally making you feel at home in their house. I loved our late night chats after the girls were in bed and I'm so thankful God put the idea in our hearts to do this now. Speaking for myself, I needed this time to regroup and to really know that I'm not alone in this and I can't thank Amy enough for giving that to me.
Here are some highlights from the trip--unfortunately there aren't many pics and I'm so bummed to not to have a picture of Amy with Katie and Jessica but check out her blog if you want to see more. Warning! Her blog is so entertaining that you WILL become addicted.


Anonymous said...

yay I'm so glad you had a good trip! And I'm so jealous--the beach and the weather look beautiful! Next time you go, you can take me to help if you want.....hey, check out my blog. that pic of Sage is up. :-)

eseh said...
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eseh said...

Oops, not sure what I did there - deleting the comment. Anyway, I'm so happy you had a great trip despite some hard times with the girls. Can't believe Clare still fits into that carrier! Now you know how I felt flying to SK by myself with 2 kids and pregnant. :) I'm dreading my next flight but I guess I just have to bite the bullet. We can't wait to see you and Kade is really looking forward to playing with Sage.