Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Diamonds, Diamonds, Everywhere Diamonds

Today was a typical hot, muggy day in Omaha where just about the only way you can survive being outside for longer than five minutes involves drenching your body with water. Sage loves going to the pool but Clare was enjoying her beauty rest so that left us with filling up her $5 plastic pool and throwing whatever bath toys she had that could survive being in the same vicinty as our vaccuum of a dog, Miles.
If I were a wise mom, I would use this playtime to clean the kitchen where I could watch her from the window. However, the sight of this little two and a half year old all by herself, making half-hearted "whee" sounds as she crawled around the pool just looked so lonely to me. So I grabbed my swimsuit, slathered on the sunscreen and went and plopped my hiney down in the foot deep of barely cool water. I wish you could have seen her face. I'm pretty sure she was thinking, "my mom is the coolest!" At least, that's what I'll believe she was thinking. After awhile we started taking our cups and chucking water out onto the lawn. My guilty conscious was eased a little with the thought that at least I can say the lawn got watered today...somewhat. I watched as the water flew into the air and the way the sun reflected off it and in the simplicity of that moment I saw what those drops were. I turned to Sage and said, "Look Sage, we're making diamonds!" Then I showed her my wedding ring and how the water we were throwing in the air looked just like the diamonds in my ring. She totally got it and for the rest of the time we yelled "Diamonds!" as hundreds of those beautiful rocks fell into the grass. My house may be a mess (and I have a feeling that it will generally remain that way for a little while longer) but that is okay because today, Sage and I made diamonds.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Let the mess pile up :)