It is something special for me to have two girls. I grew up with three brothers and for years begged my parents to get another girl until I figured how good I had it in being the only girl. Still, I would watch my two younger cousins, Kelsey and Kenzie, whom I absolutely adore and harbor some jealousy in my heart at the close friendship they shared in which no one in the whole universe would ever be able to enter or even understand outside of that sisterhood. So when I found out we were having another girl I called my aunt Grace and told her "I'm getting my Kelsey and Kenzie!" To be honest, I was also thrilled because the thought of having a boy absolutely terrified me. No offense to those who have boys--it's just that penises scare me.
Today Clare, who is now 5 and a half months, was in her play station thing when Sage, now a little over 2 and a half, started to play pretend with her. The dialogue went something like this: "Clare, I go work now. It's okay, don't cry Clare Bear. Buh-bye!" and then she would walk to the corner of the couch turn around and say "Hi Clare!" and then it would start all over again. There was also a blanket involved that I think was suppose to be a door but Clare wasn't getting that part and kept trying to eat it. While Sage had this constant dialogue going Clare just had this big smile on her face and everytime Sage would get to the couch and turn around or try to put the blanket door back up Clare would belt out this absolutely delighted laugh. No one can make Clare laugh like Sage. Believe me, Brent and I have tried but we've got no game. Anyway, in that moment I witnessed the change of seeing the girls as two seperate people. They are always looked at as my daughters, different ages, a toddler and a baby. In that moment I saw them as sisters and what hope I hold in my heart for the bond that they can have together! I pray that they will always love and cherish each other--oh, I know there will be fights galore--but at the end of the day that they will always have each other to turn to and trust. To have a sister is a gift and girls, if someday you read this, just know that my heart rejoices that God gave you to us. Be sure to keep an eye on Kelsey and Kenzie, theirs is a friendship that I pray you will have with each other.
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