Tuesday, September 2, 2008

She Cracks Me Up

Since Brent has been gone Sage has been dealing with his abscence in different ways. At first she would pucker up her lips and say at the most random moments "I miss Daddy." Then she would sit with the video he made of himself reading stories to her and she would grab whatever book he was reading and read along with him--that is, she would read the story at her own pace, often reading one book as he goes through three others. Then she started to take a liking to a bear that when you squeeze the paw you'll hear Brent telling Sage he loves and misses her and so on. So she squeezes the paw and as soon as she hears his voice she holds the bear up to her face and yells "I love you Daddy. I miss you." That one still chokes me up every time she does it.

The other day she was playing with the money from her piggy bank when I grabbed a dime and asked her who the man on it was. She studies it for a few seconds and then very seriously says "It's Daddy." To which I, barely holding in the laughter, respond "that's Daddy?" She brings it up so close to her face that she's looking at it cross-eyed. "Yes...it's Daddy."

Personally, I don't really see the resemblance between FDR and Brent but hey, if it makes her feel closer to her Daddy, then move over FDR!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Tears, streaming down my face. I will send Sage a roll of dimes very soon.