Saturday, August 9, 2008

Flower Princess

We've had a young lady, Brynn, living with us this past year. She was our babysitter who after graduating from high school, came to live with us while she went to college. We've shared a lot together this past year, including her engagement to Chris last Thanksgiving. Today is their wedding day and the crazy level has gone up yet another bar around here.
Sage is their flower girl, or as we refer to it--her "flower princess," and I am playing the piano. The piano playing poses a dilemma in how to get Sage down the aisle without screaming for dear life. So, who do you call when there is a problem to be solved? SUPER MOM AUDREY to the rescue. Do you want to know why she's super mom? I'll tell you anyway. Somewhere down the road she forgot that Sage was the flower girl and just knew that I was playing the piano in the wedding so she figured I was asking her to come babysit and to be a support for me since I would probably be an emotional wreck with Brent being gone only a week. Let me clarify that she drove eight hours by herself to babysit. My dad questioned her before she left, "Can't she find a babysitter?" but no, in my mom's mind her daughter needed her so grabbed her super hero power drink called "coffee" and jumped in her mighty mobile called "the minivan" and sped...well kinda sped down the road to not waste too much gas with the prices so high.

Excuse me while I have a good laugh...

Okay, I'm back. So now my mom has remembered her role in coming here was to help Sage make it down the aisle. Brent and I were quite skeptical as to whether or not Sage would do it but after the rehearsal last night there is a possibility that she might actually go through with it. We refer to Sage as "slow to warm" and not usually liking to be in the center of attention but last night she was out to prove me wrong. The girl was actually doing a funky dance around the stage while the ceremony was rehearsed. She's pretty excited about getting carry a basket of fake petals around and as long as it helps I will go along and pretend that is the coolest princess job ever invented. The funniest moment for me came when mom and Sage were sitting in the middle of the sanctuary and I was at the piano while the pastor was talking to the bridal party and Sage starts yelling in her sweet voice "HI MOMMY! I LOOOVE YOU!"

I'll let you know how the wedding goes.

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